'Passage' - coloured pencils
This drawing is a bit unusual for me - looks like some kind of sea creature with a feathery tail, at first it looked a lot like a sperm, but I have tried to change it into something more interesting! I can still see some reproductive themes though. It feels optimistic to me. One year on from the Brisbane floods - creative recovery...
Seems like I have been away for ages - I had no internet at the weekend - again - so although I have been thinking a lot about writing, I haven't done much recently.
One of the things I have been thinking about a lot is ethical (as opposed to reckless?) consumption. I noticed that I had somehow started more buying stuff - in the past two weeks - unlike most of last year. Perhaps the combination of no longer officially trying not to shop, and the January Sales? Anyway it wasn't
that reckless, although I felt some guilty pleasure, and it also felt pretty slack.
I have bought books, (including the fabulous
this book will save your life by A.M Holmes, which I am currently listening to as a talking book in the car), some clothes (mainly cheap and boring - singlets and socks), but also some other clothing items from
Seasalt, in Cornwall. And then more books (Book Depository, Avid Reader)...but not art materials. So its not too out of control (I definitely don't need more art materials, unless its for a specific project).
Tempting my self control, I also went to Ikea, bought loads of play equipment for work (mainly soft toys including soft sculptured breakfast), but didn't buy much for the house, except a blind for the kitchen and some bowls. That is a first.
Another guilty pleasure is magazines - usually don't buy them much, but I have a weakness for
Frankie, and I still buy
Good Taste from habit, although I hardly ever use the recipes anymore. I grudgingly buy the local rubbish newspaper (CM) once a week on Saturdays, so I can read Kathleen Noonan and William McInnes, and do the crossword. And the
Australian (not much better) for the Review. Other magazines that come into the house are
When Saturday comes - the half decent football magazine - and various bikes mags. And the
Guardian Weekly, which we all read. I am fairly careful about what I read, I guess, that is one form of ethical consumption: avoiding rubbish as far as possible.
'Bird' by Pippa my lovely niece
I have just applied to have a $10 share in a dairy farm, so I can buy untreated milk. And I am appreciating getting veggies and fruit from
Food Connect, which has a great organic box scheme, and who organise the herd share. And here are their tips for ethical consumption:
- Strive to eat less processed foods that come in boxes or bags. Some say it like this, “eat foods without a barcode.” In the meantime, become a label reader! Find short labels with words you can pronounce.
- Eat local, seasonal, sustainable and ethical foods whenever you can, since these have many more nutrients and are safer to eat than what you find at the supermarket. Grow your own food, or know the person who does.
- Question everything you’ve always believed about health and nutrition. Search out the truth and what makes sense, not just what “they” say is right. Then share what you’ve found with others.
- Eat out rarely. Make time for preparing food at home, and remember you can always make meals ahead on the weekends or make quick meals that are still nutritious. Eat as a family around the table as often as possible and share the good and bad about your day with each other. Try new recipes and see how you can make them healthier by cutting the sugar a little, eliminating the vegetable oils, etc. (Do you still have corn, canola or soybean oil in your cupboard? Please throw it out and melt some real butter instead!)
- Learn about the teachings of Weston A. Price, read books by Wendell Berry, Michael Pollan, and our own Gay Bilson, watch Gardening Australia (with the wonderful Costa as the new host) and attend as many local, community food events so you can hang out with others who want to learn more about good health and Real Food.
The main thing for me is avoiding over-consumption of 'junk' - whether it is reading rubbish, eating rubbish or buying rubbish. Something I do want to keep on track with this year. I have also been trying to get ris of rubbish we already have - pest control visit tomorrow - external house cleaning on Friday!
Having said that reminds me that I really need to go through my goals again, reviewing the last year and refocusing. I am not anticipating major changes though, as I am going to be studying, and need some stability and good routines.
I also want to write about New Zealand, before it becomes a distant memory.
One more thing this week: bike riding around the city loop is becoming more regular. Its fun now the renovated bikeway below the riverside expressway has reopened, after the flood damaged it last year. Here is a photo from the weekend.
sky from the goodwill bridge - storms on their way...
And murals in the Valley, from the week before (I don't know the artists' names, or the title of the second one):
painting is dead...long live painting (after Rembrandt?)
more later.