Martin Luther King made his "I have a dream" speech 50 years ago, which was commemorated in Washington with this rally. Obama did not appear at this event.
There was a rally in Brisbane, too, attended by a few hundred, for World Action on Refugees Day. A trauma and attachment therapist called Lou spoke eloquently about her work with pregnant women on Nauru, who have to cover themselves in toxic insecticides, to prevent mosquito borne diseases. The children develop trauma as a result of their parents being emotionally unavailable. Due to their own trauma, caused in part by our Government.
Needless to say, our once loved leader Kevin Rudd did not attend the rally. Rudd
rushed back to Brisbane, but only to film his Kitchen Cabinet TV appearance with
Annabelle Crabb, before a briefing on the chemical weapons crisis in
Where is the leadership, people?
It should be no surprise then, to read yesterday in the Murdoch owned courier mail, that many first time voters don't appear to have a social conscience: when asked about climate change or asylum seekers, they largely expressed great indifference. Of course, this may not be a representative sample, and I am proud of my sons for being different, but they grew up in our house, where everything the media dished up was critiqued and discussed, instead of swallowed whole.
Thinking lots about values this week, as I have to write about my practice framework for social work soon. I said in class on Friday, that I have ethical issues 'coming out of my ears' at the moment. Hmm. I will have to do a drawing of that...
On the same topic, also on Friday, my partner S handed in his resignation, after 9 years in the Queensland Public service, without having a job to go to. A brave and necessary action, in line with his values. I will have to do a drawing of that, too...Meanwhile, watch this:
Martha an Intensive Care social worker, just made redundant in Queensland, speaks out.
limited palette: watercolour pastels
And a couple more links:
Happiness and money article in the Conversation.
Margaret Atwood interview here.
I have to write a blog about resilience for my placement unit, so I will post that here soon too.
more later