Sunday, 22 May 2016

'Will you stay in our lover's story?'

'Fight for your right to be arty' plate and red chair

Photos in this post come from the magnificent new Kooky Clinic, a 'therapeutic imaginarium', launched a week ago, a result of the creativity, hard work and vision of child psychiatrist and part time craftivist, Dr Shannon Morton. I am so privileged and grateful to be able to work in this fantastic space, which includes an actual Art Therapy Room. Yay!

Shannon talks here about her long term dream of creating a different and 'kooky' space for young people with mental health issues and neurological challenges, where they can gain much needed acceptance, empathy and support. How fitting that in the interview they play David Bowie's 'Kooks', (from Hunky Dory, 1971) which apparently Bowie wrote for his son. I particularly love that line: 'cause we believe in you..' Something everyone needs to hear. 

Local street artist Blue Xinja, who created the gate to the clinic from Brisbane river driftwood.


more Kooky views

As I wrote in my previous blog post, I often compose blogs whilst cycling. I think the process should be called 'clogging', (or even cogging?) as a clot of related thoughts starts to form and then just sits there, waiting for me to do the next bit...obviously, most of them never get posted. This time I am more optimistic.  I think the theme for this post, including the awesome new clinic, should be pleasures shared. So here are some more.

This year I have been excited to discover Chat10Look3, a (fairly) regular podcast from ABC TV journalists Annabel (Kitchen Cabinet) Crabb and Leigh (7.30) Sales. So called because, since no one can see them (its an audio recording), they don't have to worry about how their hair looks. So these two smart women just get together at random times and chat and rave on about their reading, and baking, and laugh a lot. Its a wonderful celebration of friendship. They recently had a spin off series, When I Get a Minute on ABC I View. And considering how much these two are doing, its well named. Crabb just completed a book about Malcolm Turnbull, and shot another series of Kitchen Cabinet. When does she have the time to actually bake?

And in brief: 

  • My foodie pleasure at the moment is Jamie Oliver protege Anna Jones, who wrote two lovely cook books and now has a Guardian gig, so we can all have access to her recipes.
  • Recently, I have been trying out the Headspace app. as a meditation tool, with some good outcomes. And in a similar vein, there is this helpful blog about managing anxiety from Clem Ford.
  • Finally, I am just going to mention British poet and novelist, Kate Tempest. Heard her for the first time this week on Q&A. A brave voice in the wilderness. 
More later.