Sunday, 29 May 2011

finally got round to my marking - again

(Started this post almost a week ago).

'reshuffle' - watercolour

After a weekend spent studiously avoiding my marking (its the marking season - approaching the end of semester) I have finally got into it this (Monday) morning and completed one lot, just in time for the next lot x2, which happens on Wednesday.

I had trouble falling asleep last night, and I think it was due to twinges of guilt about procrastinating for so long...however, I am also pleased that I can enjoy my entire weekend without forcing myself to do 'work' tasks.

I often struggle with this as I like to have something tangible completed over a weekend, either 'work' or leisure-wise. This weekend the most I really accomplished was: one (hard) sudoku, most of a (cryptic) crossword, one rice pudding, barley soup, taking son for haircut and shopping, vacuuming, etc. etc.  I also did a double gym session of body pump followed by cycling class on Saturday, but nothing very tangible. Last weekend I made a skirt, and did some knitting whilst watching my son play football in the sun, much more satisfying.

Some things I need to do soon: prepare for Cairns trip in early June. Gardening. Make the chooks lay eggs (probably beyond my control). Haircut. More marking. The list is in fact endless.

Why do we value some activities, which have a tangible result, over others? It calls to mind the phrase: 'a woman's work is never done'. Is this now anachronistic, or not? Statistically, women still do more housework than men, regardless of working hours outside the home. Obviously, domestic chores are continuous and have no end product. A good meal is a pleasant experience, but can be wiped out by a culinary disaster the following day. And either way, there is still the washing up.

more later.

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