Monday, 14 November 2011

'Papa was a Rolling Stone': post conference debrief

poster: leaves on the Brisbane river

This was the conference poster which I made with my student (who is about to finish her placement this week). Nobody really knew about the poster session, so it was a bit of an anti-climax...the poster is about the Brisbane flood, trauma in general, and art therapy, and mindfulness, and 'flow'. Its a very hand made production, a laminated collage.

Bedhead: My many coloured days and nights - mixed media - collage and paint

This was inspired by a painting by my dad which he gave me just before he died (lots of squares...) He was the keynote speaker at the last Brisbane ANZATA conference in 2004 so it was a poignant moment. Hence the title for today's post - I guess you could say he was a rolling stone...but he did gather a lot of moss!!

Well the ANZATA conference is over, and its a good feeling! It was a lot of work, but mostly people seemed to be happy with how it went. I had an upstairs downstairs sense of being on the one hand a presenter (I did a Masterclass and a workshop) but also running around organising art materials and being an 'apron-wearer'. Interesting experience. My feet were tired (and black from the carpet which was a bit gross) at the end of yesterday.

My sessions went really well I think. Feedback was great.

This is another artwork from the exhibition, by community artist Karma Barnes. The sand was actual sand from the river and it was a communal art project started on the opening night, which was fun to participate in. 

Oh and I heard someone else say 'everything happens for a reason' on the radio this arvo on Awaye!, the indigenous arts program on Radio National. Argh. Its forgiven (this time) as Daniel Browning has such a nice voice.

On a similar note, more sensible words from Oliver Burkeman here, on the fact that Life is not Fair!

more later.

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