Sunday, 20 May 2012

Mother's Day, Milestones, Marking: Morning Meditations in May

two views of Hiromi Tango's 'X chromasome', mainly textiles, found objects

Sally Smart's 'Artist's Dolls'

Judith Wright's 'Wake'

 I found time to drop into GOMA ten days ago, to see Contemporary Australia: Women, on until 22nd July, and QAG, for Modern Woman: Daughters and Lovers: Drawings from the Musee D'Orsay in Paris, until 24th June... images above - to get an idea of the scale of Hiromi's work, you can walk inside the fibre structure, its like a magical hollow tree, much better than Enid Blyton!
Mother's Day couscous

drawing tools

'finding a still centre': wax crayon and dyetex

One more week of the first semester to go: that is a huge milestone for me, both as a social work student and as an art therapy lecturer. Also, this blog is about to reach its three thousandth view, which is also huge, especially considering my neglect this month. 

Although I have all but abandoned my original blogging structure and commitment to self-scrutiny, I am feeling very motivated to continue, and I know its helping me to 'keep it real'. Morning meditations have been happening most days, and have extended to 25 minutes. The image above is an attempt to capture the feeling of inner stillness, despite the external panic and craziness. Mainly, its working.

Mother's Day last Sunday (my lovely sons made the couscous salad) was a nice in-breath before the most insane week this semester, mainly due to over-commitment and 'marking activities'*. So being on placement next semester could be almost like being on holiday, ha ha...we'll see. 

All assignments should be in within the next week or so, phew...

more later.

*sadly this is not about 'mark-making'!

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