Saturday, 2 February 2013

Emoticons for the real world

  holding it lightly: pastel drawing

Louise Hayes of ACT fame (not the OTHER Louise Hay) started a blog this week, to assist with the launch of her new book Get our of your mind and into your life for teens. I don't have the link to her blog here, but it reminded me of my first blog post, which really scared me. 

'Holding it lightly' is a great ACT phrase for not taking things too seriously/literally/to heart. Or for de-fusing from difficult thoughts or rigid rules, and making room for uncomfortable emotions. 

Speaking of emotions:

 emoticon fridge magnets: moulded and painted polymer clay

These fridge magnets were moulded using an emoticon ice cube tray (which I got for christmas from a colleague!) painted, and have magnets glued on the back. I will use these in my work: these are prototypes so I can assist children to make them, in aid of developing emotional literacy. 

I have made stuffed fabric emoticons before. The fact that I had time to make the fridge magnets is due to work being exceptionally quiet. This was the first week back at school, and there was storm damage to slow things down further, with lots of people still without power until later in the week.

The drawings of my dog, Jess, are part of the 30 Day Drawing Challenge I blogged about in January:

 'draw your favourite animal' #1: pastel drawing

'draw your favourite animal' #2: pastel drawing

One thing I noticed is that Jess does not stay still for long. The first pose is a very characteristic one, catching the breeze on her stomach!

The next challenge is to draw your favourite food. Since I am changing my relationship with food at the moment, via the Fast Diet, this is going to be an interesting one.

more later

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