'noticing the cracks'
It is a similar issue to a Radio National discussion on the Law Report I heard this week, about Photoshopping female models to make them look thinner, and how the fashion/magazine industry doesn't follow voluntary guidelines about this. The more others seem to look perfect, the worse we are likely to feel in our normal imperfection...
'never good enough'
Part of my dilemma is that I love my current job (so I don't really want to leave), but its only for two days a week, which is not enough. The other part of the dilemma is that now I have been granted my Accredited Mental Health Social Worker status, it would be a shame not to immediately use it! And I am exploring some possibilities around that as well. Its great to have options, don't get me wrong...
free tomatoes, see below
- 7 am Breakfast: 1/2 cup of uncooked muesli, soy milk, 1 fresh fig, frozen mulberries, natural yogurt. I skinny cappuccino.
- no Lunch except miso in boiling water, and cups of tea a couple of times during the day
- 6pm I ate a peach before going to a Body Balance class, so I didn't feel faint.
- 8pm Dinner: (late because of the class) chili made with lean beef chunks, kidney beans, tinned tomatoes, onion, celery, red capsicum, and spices including cocoa (my 'secret' ingredient, makes it very yum), a small spoonful of freekeh, salsa with corn, mango, tomatoes, red onion, lime juice, olive oil, fresh coriander, and low fat natural yoghurt. I also had more fruit (peach and fig) and yoghurt after this.
I was a kilo lighter this morning than the day before. This is mainly because there is less food in my system, but it does feel good: its encourages me to keep going, the trajectory is still downwards, and I also didn't feel super hungry or have a headache, as I sometimes do after a fast day. I also noticed that a mouth ulcer that had been hanging around for a week had gone. Perhaps this was a coincidence...but one of the interesting ideas behind the 5:2 fast is that fasting allows the body a breathing space from digestion to heal.
This is an Instagram of some felt slippers I made yesterday, in about an hour or so (time becomes available when not eating!). They are made from a washing machine felted Fair Isle (traditional Scottish pattern) moth-eaten woollen jumper using this pattern, and inspiration from this blog. They are a bit big, but the pattern is adjustable, so I should be able to correct this next time. Its not really slipper weather, but I remember a colleague talking about having 'slipper weeks', meaning she was basically at home all the time, like a 'staycation'. I am having lots of 'slipper time' at the moment, and loving it.
Finally, some free food, to continue the 'F' theme for today. I have a whole tomato patch that is self-seeded. It is in an area that used to be part of the chook run, so its full of seeds, including rocket, basil and pumpkin, as well as tomatoes, and is well-fertilised. All I have done is mulch and stake the plants, remove the lateral shoots, provide water, and pick the results, as in the photo above.
Since I am aiming for zero food waste, and 'using what I have', this is fantastic!
I'd love to hear your thoughts about any of these topics. To post a comment on this blog, scroll down and click on 'post a comment'.
more later
I wouldn't call not being offered the job a "fail" Claire! It wasn't as if it was your dream job, after all. We were always told to consider every job interview as a chance to practise for the real thing, the big one that you really, really want! Also, if it's been a while, they do take a bit of practice to get into the swing again.
Your felted slippers look wonderful and just what I need as I am having some circulation problems and even in summer often have cold feet and even legs. I know! Bizarre! So thanks for the links, I'm going to dig out some old jumpers and get cracking.
Oh and good luck for your next interview. :-)
hi Amanda
thanks for the positive support, you are right of course, and guess what, I have just been offered the subsequent job...so feeling pretty excited right now!
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