Thursday, 2 June 2011


Barbie world - found object

This is something I would have loved to own as a child. I only had tasteful toys though. It is still quite appealing in a guilty, embarrassing way. To give you some idea, I had to read Enid Blyton books secretly, as they were banned from our house (not a big enough vocabulary, apparently).

Today will be a random collection of thoughts. I have been thinking about these things.

1. Gil Scott Heron, who died this weekend. This video link is to his classic The revolution will not be televised. Thanks Chris for the link.

2. Marking encourages black and white thinking, which is unhelpful. This is good, this is better, each piece of work reduced to a number, regardless of the effort involved to produce it. As with many things, we judge on the final product, not the process. 

Anyway, I finished another lot of marking. Only three more batches to go! Sorry to harp on about it. It tends to dominate my life for a few weeks at a time, twice a year.

a light bulb moment - pencil drawing

Its not all black and white...

3. Of course, since I wrote last week that my sleeping had improved, it has got worse again. But I know this is just a phase. I can wait for it to improve again, and it will. Its hard to be awake at 4.30am in the dark and cold predawn, though.

4. Yesterday, I did some things I needed to do to feel more organised. I printed out and filed all my travel documents, as I am taking 4 trips in the next 2 months. The first one is to Cairns, in Far North Queensland, next week. I also vacuumed the floor: the dog (who else?) had left another small installation on the rug, mainly and weirdly consisting of leaves (and some 'moisture').

30 second squares: 'rules' for valued living - collage
Windows of opportunity, or pages of possibility...

5. Our group, that we started at work last week, is going well. It combines art therapy and ACT and is for young women. However, as with most groups, attendance could be an issue.

More later.

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