'rainbow on Mater Hill' using Polaroid app.
Last night a rainbow appeared over the Hotel Diana opposite the Mater Hospital, as I arrived to view my art therapy students' case study presentations. Its the end of semester, which means no more assignment writing (for me - hurrah!) but lots of marking activities in the next few weeks. I have now completed (as long as I pass all my assignments) a quarter of my Masters of Social Work.
Do rainbows really appear at symbolic times, or do we just notice them more at significant moments? I remember seeing one just after my father died, in March 2010, and at the time I found this very comforting.
'mantra' - pastels and dyetex
This drawing is about meditation, and reflects how the mantra (sound) which I repeat in my mind when I meditate (using the Transcendental Meditation, or TM method) becomes overridden with thoughts. The mantra is represented by the letter 'i' (the mantra starts with the letter 'i') and is in pink, faintly visible inside the white shapes. Meanwhile, thoughts crowd in, and overlay the mantra. Some of them follow pathways, represented by the wiggly lines, and some are more random, represented by colours. The overall effect, although distracted from the intention, is still positive.
Visually, this image appeals to me: it creates the effect of a colour field, which besides being an art movement, also makes me think of the Tamla Motown and Phil Spector's 'wall of sound'. The element of cohesion, and the submersion of individual parts into the overall image, seem to fit with this style of composition (whether music or art). Interesting, since I started this by writing about the sound of the mantra.
'yarn-bomb' on riverside bikeway near QUT, using Polaroid app.
I spotted this piece of knitted 'graffitti' whilst cycling a few weeks ago, but only just stopped to photograph it. The link above is to a site which details a collective yarn-bombing of King George's Square in Brisbane, tomorrow. Amazing what a google can unearth.
Meanwhile, I am still knitting a jumper I started last year. (As it is sleeveless, it is possible I may complete it this year, while its still cold enough to wear it. I made the mistake of putting it in my handbag the other day, and lost some stitches, and I picked them up slightly incorrectly, so its now flawed, but I don't think it will matter...)
The middle of 'Caution': location of yarn bomb and bicycle
During the break between semesters, I am hoping to post more often. We'll see how that goes.
succulent, South Bank, using Pin hole app.
more later.