Monday, 24 December 2012

Thirteen days of Christmas - biennial review

 'Inner Space' - collage

Isn't it hard to feel in control of time, in the last few weeks of the year? Which is a ridiculous statement anyway - time is something we absolutely can't control. For a poignant reminder of this, we enjoyed seeing the movie preview of Quartet the other night, at Regal Twin, Graceville (you can get a good idea of the demographic, just from the name of the cinema!).

This post is a reminder to keep a good perspective on things that can and can't be controlled. Which in itself is a great example: how many posts have been written in my head, before actually putting fingers to keyboard?...countless! Not to mention the blog post I have to write for my politics assignment...but that's another story.
           'Sometimes its hard to love my job' - crayon and watercolour

On holiday from my art therapy job for three weeks, but the last day was a difficult one, and its important to me to keep reminding myself, this is a tough job! Something about it being a holiday makes it harder, somehow. Perhaps it's just about letting go...

knit your own nativity scene
Still, there are some unusual and quirky things about my job, which make it easy to love, such as the above...they are assembled in the kitchen, awaiting a wipe down before being put away for next year.

Christmas essential: 'Cinnamon Stars' (and hearts, etc.) Swiss biscuits

Christmas is about traditions, and this is a family one, courtesy of our lovely au pair, Heidi, when I was in my tenth year or so.

the space left behind

In fact much of this biscuit batch was ruined, as I used greaseproof paper on the baking trays and they stuck, so the chooks were happy (they can handle a bit of greaseproof - they eat bugs and hard grains), but I made some more yesterday. Phew. Now I have made the Swiss biscuits,  I think it will be easier to get on with the rest of the holiday 'chores' (how I hate that word!).

As the title of today's post suggests, I will attempt to review this blog over the holiday. Its been two years since I made a commitment to start 'doing what matters' to me, and writing about it here. I identified thirteen areas to focus on - a huge undertaking really, which I sometimes regret!

This is what I wrote on 28th December, 2010:

Its going to be hard work and sometimes I won't want to bother. But I intend to try. Some of the areas I have already identified that I want to work on are:

  • family,
  • health,
  • environment,
  • community,
  • friendship,
  • creativity,
  • leisure,
  • frugality,
  • therapy,
  • home,
  • emotional growth
  • communication
  • spirituality
That is thirteen, or a baker's dozen, which should keep me going for a while.

Some of the areas have been more challenging than others. But some interesting changes have occurred. So I decided, I will write about each one, in the thirteen days following Christmas. 

Meanwhile, have a wonderful holiday, whether you celebrate Christmas or not, and a very Happy New Year! And thank you so much for reading this blog. I have had almost 6,000 visitors, from which I am excited about. This is the list of Audience locations this week (I seem to have a Russian fan, hello!).

United States
New Zealand
United Kingdom

And this is a joke for the festive season. Not sure if it is a comment on the prevalence of parking meters in Brisbane these days, or just a nice bit of silliness:

Rogue parking meter sign in Thomas St, West End

more later.

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