Doing what matters: this blog explores a range of experiences including: health, community, creativity, leisure and life in general. The overarching theme of 'doing what matters' comes from acceptance and commitment therapy, with a large sprinkling of art therapy. I encourage you to leave a comment and join the conversation...
Wednesday, 22 May 2013
red and pippy on the inside...*
Hi, apologies for a long gap between posts, in fact its the longest gap so far by miles...
So what's new? Not much, its the tail end of semester, which is good and bad. Good because its nearly over, but bad because it means more work to do before I get there. This is the main reason I haven't been writing here much. My art work has been put on hold as well, hopefully it will be easier next (and final!) semester. But I do think about blogging a lot, and miss it! And I only have two more assignments to go now. With the emphasis on ONLY.
I have tried to be very open in this space, which is tricky when things get difficult, and they involve other people. As they usually do. So yes, there has also been some difficult stuff going on, involving other people, in the work arena. Which I am therefore not really able to discuss. Sorry. Perhaps later.
Anyway, enough of the explanations.
I am still trying to keep to the 5:2 fast. Its going pretty well, and I have lost about 5kgs, which I am happy about. I am also 'doing a knee study', which means I am participating in a randomised controlled trial of green lip mussel tablets for osteo-arthritis of the knee, which I appear to have. Of course, I probably got the placebo. Half way through now, and if I have got the placebo, well the placebo effect is real! It does actually seem a bit better. I will find out in three weeks if I got the actual green lip mussels.
I have resigned from Fernwood gym, because the yoga teacher/manager told her class that cancer was caused by anger. Guess what, if that is true, I just increased my risk of getting cancer! I felt so strongly about it, I resigned. But had been ready to go anyway, it was clearly the last straw, proverbially speaking. I just need to find another Body Combat class...essential for my well-being - as long as my knees can take it anyway.The endorphin effect is also real.
I saw Colin Friels in Red at QPAC a couple of weeks ago. That was cool. He was Rothko. In his studio. Being cranky and overbearing. But still pretty cool.
I need to go outside and collect groceries. I am relieved I have broken the ice that was forming over this fishing aperture/windscreen/blogging metaphor of choice... And grateful for the people who keep reading, anyway. Thanks!
More later, but hopefully not so much later.
* meaningless title, sorry. Its actually a salt cellar.
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