'grateful for today' - pastels (April)
I have not been writing this blog much recently, for a variety of reasons, alluded to in my last post. Strangely, since I didn't remember doing that much this semester except STUDY, I now have a small 'backlog' of drawings, some of which I have posted here. This one (below) is what most of the past semester has felt like: a big race through meteorite (ok, then, rain) storms, to get through to the finish line.
'study deadlines' - pen drawing (May)
'letting go of the thoughts - river of awareness' - pastels (June)
Clearly, it has been difficult to keep up the momentum of blogging, with all my other writing tasks: not really that surprising. What is surprising, is the fact that I have still maintained some helpful routines, in addition to the occasional drawing, for example:
- daily meditation
- regular Lifesprint cycles at gym,
- PT, and 'auditioning' new yoga classes
- walking the dog
- Fast 5/2 'diet'
What most of these activities have in common is intervals.
Meditation is about trying to find a space between thoughts and busyness to just be. Noticing the spaces between the thoughts, however small, is a mindful act.
The lifesprints exercise, similarly, is based on alternating periods of fast cycling with periods that are slower and less intense. Intervals are the key to more efficient fat burning, apparently.
Lifting weights (and any other exercise) depends on rest periods as well as reps. Yoga needs a relaxation period afterwards, or I feel cheated. Walking the dog is an interval of easy exercise, before the day really begins.
The fast diet has intervals of calorie restriction, interspersed between days of normal eating.
The power of the interval seems to be, to experience a small recovery period, regularly. In the case of lifesprints, every ten seconds or so. I haven't had much time off in the past year, due to studying through the summer semester, when most people are on a break. So the intervals have been really important, in terms of staying on track.
Another interval coming up soon, I am going to Sydney for the World ACT Forum in early July. Despite being called for jury service, being asked to 'verify my student status' for conference registration, and semester 2 placement starting the same week, I am ignoring the obstacles, and am hoping it will be really good.
brown horse - felt
hottie-cover challenge - fabric, work in progress
Obviously, creative challenges also provide great opportunities for (arty) intervals. This one is for a good cause. I hope to do some more embellishment, perhaps embroidery, before sending it to Melbourne.
Just had another cool interval experience: a visit to the Sunshine Coast, (in the pouring rain, with intervals of drizzle), for two days, to celebrate multiple family birthdays. Probably the most home made cakes I have seen on one table, at the same time, ever. Delicious.
more later.
1 comment:
Absolutely gorgeous Claire! Your hottie arrived safe and sound today
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