Wednesday, 30 October 2013

MBSR: Gratitude challenge

Last week, I started an eight week course in mindfulness (another one!), called Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, or MBSR, (link to previous post) run by Openground. I have been meaning to do this since I did the weekend introductory course  in June 2012. Its a good way to unwind, after almost two years of  non-stop studying.

The course includes a lot of home practice, especially the body scan and mindfulness of the breath.

This is what the body scan looks like. Its better from the inside! I struggled with this at first, but now I am getting to really like it.

 For homework this week, we have to start a daily gratitude journal. So this is going to be mine.

1. I was grateful for signing up for this course, second class yesterday.

2. Yesterday, I was grateful for more rainbow mural painting at my placement. So near to being finished, which is very exciting. No photos, as it is in a secure facility.

3. I am also grateful for the rain yesterday. It was desperately needed, everything was so brown and tired.The rain came after the rainbow, not before!

more later

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