'how to...enjoy your moment in time': pastels, paint and collage
The left hand image (thinking about 'I'm busy'), which is a mixture of collage and pastels, is organised, square-ish and wordy. It starts from the middle with the words: "How to..." and a series of verbs from magazines. Busyness is about doing stuff, so verbs seemed to be what I needed. It reflects the anxiety of trying to do things well. It is also about thoughts, and the fact that busyness if often about over-thinking. Do I know "how to..."?
It spirals outwards and reminds me of my previous image. I like the colours and the final result. The outside is different from the text-y area, it is more like the other side.
The spiral is also a motif in the right hand image. The right hand image ('feeling busy') is a swirl of movement using paint, pastels and collage. This is how being busy feels. It is looser and free-er than the first image. It also has a contrast between the inside, the heart/core, and the outside swirls.
In this one, the heart shape contains the words 'your moment in time'. This is a comment about trying to be mindful in day to day busyness, and this experience of mindfulness can be something of an 'anchor' in the whirlwind of activity (like the eye of the storm perhaps). So the heart is anchored by the blue and purple stripes, to stop it getting carried off by the whirlwind. It is also a reminder that we only have a short time on this planet, this is our brief moment, and we can ignore/forget that if we get caught up in mindless activity.
more later.
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