Thursday, 7 November 2013

21 bad habits: noticing the 'not so good'

Rabbits to illustrate Habits

Thanks to my friend Phil, for inadvertently suggesting this blog topic, by commenting on how I had such 'healthy habits'...feeling a bit of a goody-goody. Well, sorry to disillusion you but I also have some unhealthy ones. Here is a 'short' list:

  1. Losing my temper - this happened only yesterday, after finding out I had no money in the account I normally withdraw cash from.
  2. Watching TV indiscriminately - well, within reason, I draw the line at most commercial TV - but sometimes, that is all I am capable of. Doesn't usually take long before I am asleep in front of it, most nights. Which kind of proves its pointlessness.
  3. Speaking of which, insomnia. Don't get me started. Once started, its a hard one to break. The MBSR is helping, as is no longer being on placement.
  4. Drinking alcohol.
  5. Drinking coffee.
  6. Ignoring the dog, or telling her off for whingeing (she's a staffy, and they are known for it, so hardly her fault - its genetic!). 
  7. Complaining in general. At the end of yoga class, we get to pick a card with some sort of 'advice'. Well, I've picked the same card: 'Give up the need to complain'  - on at least two occasions. The universe has spoken.
  8. Picking at my cuticles, urgh.
  9. Not rinsing the dishes after washing up. I am trying to work on this one. 
  10. Generally, not cleaning the house often enough.
  11. Being untidy, especially in a creative episode. Pins, threads, crayons, paper, books, scattered to all corners of the house.
  12. Not ringing people unless I have to.
  13. Not finishing cups of tea. I am also working on this one.
  14. Overthinking. Just starting to realise how common this one is. The unavoidable bad habit of the human race.
  15. Shopping. Usually I am quite good at not doing this unless I have to - but sometimes I get on a roll. I went to Officeworks for printer ink and came back with star shaped candles, pens, erasers, silver star shapes, printed sticky tape, and christmas wrapping paper. Oh, and printer ink. A classic example. And yes, they were mostly on special. But anyway.
  16. Then coming home and ordering books online, (not from an independent bookshop). 
  17. Cooking variations of the same meal, too often. Usually involves garlic, onion, tomato, canellini beans, some meat, and whatever else is in the fridge.
  18. Eating chocolate. And sugar.
  19. And meat. 
  20. And gluten (could be provoking my osteo-arthritis)
  21. Generating lists of negative self-talk...
Surprising how quickly I created this list, or maybe not, considering #14. Homework this week for MBSR is noticing our 'not so good' experiences, as a way of increasing awareness of how we tend to avoid emotional pain.  So perhaps this is somehow helpful. At least I can feel good about doing my homework.

more later


W-S Wanderings said...

Ah, the list. A most relatable one, minus the cooking, because I don't cook. I guess that 'not cooking' would have to be added to my list. And chips would replace the chocolate. I need to make my own list. Come to think of it, compulsive list making may be one of the things I'll add to it ;-)

claire edwards said...

Hi Wabi-Sabi W
Thanks for your comment! The most remarkable thing about this list was how easily I thought of things to put on it. Interesting that you don't cook - do you live with someone who does? Or perhaps you live on chips...:)