Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Don't leave me this way/never can say goodbye

Art therapy and social action - logo

Love this logo! After trying to convince students about the importance of cultural competency in our tute last night, this makes me feel validated! Hey guys, 'assimilation' is really not such a great concept...working in London, in the 1980's, it seemed much clearer, (and we all happily did Racism Awareness Training as it was called then) perhaps because some ethnic minorities were very vocal and visible (and grossly over-represented in mental health services). Here we have this wishy-washy 'tolerance' of multiculturalism, which assumes we just all want to be homogenous Australians, but perhaps with more interesting recipes.

On a similar issue, I will always associate the song Don't leave me this way sung by Jimmy Somerville of the Communards, and Sarah Jane Morris, with the demise of 'Red' Ken Livingstone's Greater London Council in the 1980's.

My ex-personal trainer, who broke up with me last week (for personal reasons), had a goodbye breakfast on Sunday. She told us she was not allowed back in the gym after she gave in her notice. This seems to be common management practice. What about valuing the relationships? Saying goodbye is hard already, don't make it impossible please! Someone who has seen me at my worst, sweaty and grumpy, and wanting to give up, and still has been encouraging and positive. Thanks Jess!  Here is Jimmy again singing Never can say Goodbye.

Listening to Motown on my I-Pod whilst running this month. No shortage of inspiration for blog post titles there - not enough days in the month (or time to write).

Looking forward to starting Six Degrees of Creativity, an e-course, which might get me back into some art practice. The next few weeks are looking pretty rough, work wise.

More later.

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