Sunday, 9 October 2011

Standing in the shadows of love


The Four Tops song Standing in the shadows of love was also (almost) the title of a great  film about the support band for the Motown hit factory of the 1960's and 70's, the Funk Brothers. These 'unsung musical heroes' were not famous or well known like the singing stars they supported. But Motown would not have been Motown without them. And in relationships, our partners are often our unsung heroes as well. Mine is.

Which leads me to the question, what is the shadow side of love? Is it hate, or is it indifference? Or perhaps just grumpiness...its so easy to become that grumpy person you don't want to be when living with another human being at close quarters. I have to keep remembering to be the person I want him to be...

I heard an interesting discussion about human sexuality on the radio this week. It was about the book sex at dawn, which argues that monogamy is not 'natural' as it was 'only' introduced into human behaviour at around the same time as the development of agriculture. Well, growing food in the ground has also proved pretty popular since then. Pretty much all human behavour is socially constructed, I agree. But that isn't necessarily a bad thing.

On the same topic, I saw Crazy, Stupid Love this Friday night with S, I had a few ethical issues with the film (excessive and deliberate use of alcohol to manipulate and give 'Dutch courage', implied non use of condoms, endorsement of porn for a minor), but would still recommend it. Just don't take it too seriously. The plot is pretty implausible too...but fun.

My personal trainer broke up with me (and the rest of her Fernwood clients) last week. We are going out for an all you can eat breakfast this morning at the Stamford Plaza, to say goodbye...irony there somewhere too. I have missed a couple of my regular Saturday and Monday night gym sessions recently due to the ACT conference, and supervision, mainly. It was so good to be back yesterday, and guess what - I slept so much better last night!!

More later.

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