Monday, 26 September 2011

'Devon hippie' - now an official category

Moonlight by Samuel Palmer

I know because I read it in The Australian weekend magazine. Joss Stone is described as 'leading the lifestyle of a Devon hippie'. Sadly (or not) the details of said lifestyle are not documented.

Meanwhile, in a village called Chagford, near Exeter, (where I was born) in Devon, a vege box scheme with a difference. The boxes are delivered in a horse and cart. So old school (thanks for the Banksy birthday card, boys).

It wasn't quite Cider with Rosie, (although the cider part would be true), but I think of my childhood as being basically rural: even though we lived in on the outskirts of a small (hippie) town called Totnes, I could see Dartmoor from my bedroom window. So it was nice to get out into the hills on my birthday yesterday, even though the hills around Boonah, in South East Queensland, are nothing like the hills of Devon.

me and the boys at Kooroomba


We were at Kooromba Lavender farm and vineyard, Mt Alford (near Boonah) for lunch. I came home and made lavender bags...(this is true - but I didn't steal the lavender - its in my garden).

Big week just about to start (in an hour or so).

more later.

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